Hi windy! sandy cold and dry season welcome back. yes the season of hammatan is here, as many people love the cold weather feel, so also has its sight effects on our skin. Therefore, we are expected to eat the right diet, wear the right material for our skin and also use detergent that are right and we will bellow what is right for the season. So you never say i hate what this dry season doe to my skin.
1.Take A Lot OF Water.
The function of water on the skin is super, that no one can contend with. Generally water is good to everyone. Experimentally speaking, when your skin is bad(gets dry) at this dry season then more water will do great wonders. Then, is in it great? Since water is an essential nutrient no one can do without. it is one of the important thing to human boy to function normal. Water consumption is to be taken seriously so as to lubricate the system of a human body at a whole. Which should reflect on our skin. If you are used to taking 2-4 litres of water daily, is not a bad thing to double it by 50%-100% at hammatan season in order to reduce the appearance of cracky dry skin.
High consumption of water improves the elasticity of the skin thereby reducing the appearance of aging and fine lines on the skin.
Water evaporate via the skin, therefore, taking a lot of water will help your skin a mega deal.